New book out on Amazon direct link below: (SHARE ON X , PLEASE)
Book overview & Points:
Bigger crimes were committed than breaking a window or tresspassing on January 6th 2021. There was entrapment, subterfuge, murder, and deception on a grand scale that very few present that day could comprehend of how enormous of a lobster trap that event was arranged to be. Furthermore, it must be adressed that January 6th is not an isolated event. You dont have January 6th without a stolen election. You dont have a stolen election without the p[L]andemic. You dont have a p[L]andemic without Donald Trump winning an election he was supposed to lose. "One Question Remains" starts its narratvie by rewinding the clock back to 2016 when Americans dared to win and our nation almost died.
Kelly Meggs and I walk the reader back from the election of 2016 to present day, where we use the hindsight of 2020 to figure out how we became political prisoners trapped in a dungeon two blocks away from Liberty Hall.
Join us for a ride. It will be Wild! We dance in between the serious and the satirical, the poetic and the pithy to portray the components of January 6th you never knew existed. While taking time to weave in necessary history lessons and powerful quotes from our Founding Fathers, we pluck the heart strings of our readers as we ask questions they may never have considered before.
The Questions we ask are many. We know the answers to most. But One Question Remains that is the most significant of all.
This book is one of the many steps we take as a nation to crawl out of the matrix and together, Fix history.
As a labor of Love, we hope you enjoy reading this book half as much as we enjoyed writing it. Once you're finished reading, you won't be the same in the best of ways. And hopefully, the nation can improve too.
May God Bless you, your family, and God Bless America
Kelly "Gator 1" Meggs and Robert "Lego Man" Morss
1. Vindicating points for families to reach for pages in the book and say “My (loved one) is not a domestic terrorist and here’s why.”
2. Presenting the fact that J6 political prisoners were not the only hostages from that day….100’s & thousands of hours of footage was also held captive…WHY? Why, if January 6th was “Worse than 911” – “Worse than Pearl Harbor” … Why and what evidence is being held hostage? Why were the videos scrubbed?
3. Inclusive of an Easter Egg hidden in the book that’s specifically for the J6 community and abroad that brings everyone together. Plus,
4. A campaign for readers to not only “see” the truth, but ask the questions and reach out to our Senators with them. And “flood that building with this book to make the change we deserve in this country, change the narrative of J6 completely and fix history!”
New Products Available now! Get these wonderful products for a Christmas gift for your family or friends!
Still Suspended off of X:
On October 19, 2024 my account, known as @CajunQueen43 was suspended for violating X rules. I am also a wife of an Oath Keeper/J6ER Retired Army Sgt Kenneth Harrelson.
I was not given any notice or explanation for which rules were exactly violated. I have appealed 11 times since then and have not received any response or resolution from X Support Team. Last couple of appeals I have submitted below.
ON COWBOY LOGIC - SPECIAL REPORT - The Oath Keepers w/ SGT Kenneth Harrelson, US ARMY (ret.) - A 2 hour special report that covers all things Oath Keepers and January 6th!